Magdalens Return | A Sacred Gathering of Remembrance

With Robin Flynn

May 8 - 11, 2025

Date and Time Details: Thursday May 8th at 9:00am | Ends Sunday May 11th at 12:30pm Sliding scale reciprocity (choose your price) | $888-$1888.00 includes tuition, lodging and food

Location: Star River Sanctuary

Contact: Dayna

  • Cabin Room 1 ( for couples ) – CAD $888.00
  • Cabin Room 2 ( for couples ) – CAD $888.00
  • Forest Domes - 3 Twin beds – CAD $888.00
  • Camping | Bring your own tent – CAD $888.00

Magdalenes Return

A Sacred Gathering of Remembrance

The time of concealment is over. 

The Great Mother is calling us Home.

How vast is our Love? 

How clear is our Vessel? 

How alive is our Sovereignty?

The time has come to awaken the ancient wisdom encoded within us. To remember, reclaim, and re-embody the Divine Feminine that pulses in our very DNA. The Magdalenes’ Return is a powerful ceremonial retreat where the veils of the past dissolve, and we step into the fullness of our divine remembrance.

This is a gathering of wise warrior women, a sacred council held in devotion to the re-emergence of the fully empowered Goddess. Through ritual, ceremony, and deep alchemical work, we will reclaim the sovereignty that is our birthright and illuminate the mystery school within our hearts.

Who This Retreat is For?

This sacred gathering is for women who:

  • Are seeking authentic initiation in the Mystery Schools of Isis & The Order of the Magdalenes.
  • Are ready to reclaim their inner power and step into their divine sovereignty.
  • Feel called to heal core wounds and awaken the sacred codes within.
  • Are ready to remember the ancient Magdalen Codes that live in their DNA.
  • Desire to embody the fully empowered Divine Feminine and step into leadership in this time of global transformation.

What Awaits You in This Sacred Gathering

Divine Ceremony & Sacred Practices

  • Enter the Great Mysteries through the profound teachings of the Fellowship of Isis, The Order of Magdalens, the Pachakuti Mesa Lineage, Earth Honouring Shamanism, Breathwork, and Somatic Integration.
  • Experience deep healing through the sacred elixirs of Cacao Forest Medicine and our Beloved Heart Medicine.
  • Engage in powerful shamanic journey work to uncover the hidden wisdom stored within our DNA.
  • Embody the wisdom of the Warrioress, stepping into her courage, clarity, and compassion.
  • Receive planetary healing teachings of the Andes, learning to serve as guardians and stewards of Gaia-Sophia’s dreaming.
  • Participate in visionary dreaming circles to channel new forms of feminine leadership and sacred activism.

Soul-Nourishing Connection & Integration

  • Sacred Council: Share in deep, heart-centered dialogue with a circle of kindred spirits.
  • Restorative Movement & Embodiment: Experience breathwork, yoga, dance, and shamanic energy practices to ground your transformation.
  • Radical Cooperation & Open-Source Innovation: Together, we will birth new systems of mutual support for ourselves, our families, and our communities during this Great Turning.
  • Self-Care & Renewal:There will be opportunities for body work, medicine baths, and long walks in the many hiking trails on Crystal Mountain.
  • Post-Retreat Integration: Receive support through a follow-up Zoom integration call to weave your experiences into daily life.

Your Retreat Includes:

  • Four Days of Earth-Honoring Ceremonial Work
  • Divine Cacao Forest Medicine Elixir & Heart Medicine Ceremony
  • Guided Shamanic Journey Work & Mystery School Activations
  • Nourishing Organic, Vegetarian Meals
  • Breathwork, Yoga, and Sacred Movement
  • Highly Skilled, Experienced Facilitators
  • Optional Flower Baths & Bodywork Sessions
  • A Powerfully Held Container for Deep Transformation

Retreat Schedule

Thursday, May 8th
9:00 AM – Check-in
10:00 AM – Opening Council
12:00 PM – Lunch
1:30-8 PM – Beloved Cacao Forest Medicine Ceremony
8 PM – Dinner
Evening: Rest & Renewal

Friday, May 9th
9:00 AM – Mesada of the Magdalen (Heart Medicine Ceremony)
Evening – Dinner & Integration

Saturday, May 10th
8:30-9:30 AM – Smoothies & Tea
9:30-11:15 AM – Restorative Yoga, Movement & Embodiment
11:30-12:30 PM -Brunch
12:30-4:00 PM – Visionary Integration Circle
4:00 PM-Sleep –  Rest, Personal Integration, Optional Bodywork, and Sacred Connection
6:00 PM – Dinner

Sunday, May 11th
8:00-9:00 AM – Breakfast
9:00-12:30 PM – Closing Ceremony & Sacred Circle

Lodging Options at Star River Sanctuary:

  • Shared Sleeping Domes (Triples)
  • Two Queen Bed Cabin Rooms for Couples or Close Friends
  • Four tent sleeping options

Star River Nourishment

Our Star Team Cooks craft organic, delicious meals featuring homegrown goodness from our 7 Generations Garden Project. This retreat includes a tour and an Ayni Karma Yoga experience in this sacred garden project.

Meals Include:

  • Hand prepared meals featuring local, organic, plant-based ingredients
  • Gluten-free and vegan options available to meet unique dietary needs
  • Handcrafted raw, gluten-free, and vegan desserts
  • Locally sourced beverages from Star River Gardens, Virtue Tea and Oso Negro Coffee


This is your invitation to step into the temple of your own becoming. To return home to the Goddess that lives within you.

Join us in this sacred journey of remembrance, devotion, and radical transformation.

Are you ready to return?

Secure your place in Magdalenes Return today

Sacred Reciprocity:

$888.00-$1,888.00 Sliding scale
includes tuition, food and lodging | you choose the price

Payment options: Once you complete your registration form you may choose to pay in full for the base amount of $888.00 or pay a 50% deposit. If you choose the latter please bring the second part of your payment in CASH to the retreat. If you have any questions please contact Dayna at:

Learn More About Our Pricing Structure 

About the Leader

Robin Flynn

Kamasqa Curandera- Plant Spirit Medicine Ceremonialist- Visionary Creatrix ~ New Earth Mystic International Mentor, Guide, and Retreat Leader Co-founder of Star River Sanctuary & the "Empowerment & Resource Model" of Healing Co-founder of the Way of Sovereignty - Shamanic Tools for Spiritual Warriorship Robin is one of the only a few fully trained western Kamasqueras […]

Learn more about Robin Flynn

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