A Myth for Our Time | Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Shamanism and the Era of the Taripaypacha

With Oscar Miro-Quesada and Cindy Miro-Quesada

June 14 - 16, 2024

Date and Time Details: June 14-16th, 2024

Location: Star River Sanctuary

Address: Nelson, BC, Canada

Contact: Dayna

  • Earth Temple – CAD $1,391.00
  • 1- Cabin Room 2 Twin Beds (Shared) – CAD $1,371.00
  • 2- Cabin Room 2 Twin Beds (shared) – CAD $1,371.00
  • Main house- Queen | Twin bed (shared/not pet free) – CAD $1,391.00
  • Main House- Queen | 2 Twin Beds (shared/not pet free) – CAD $1,391.00
  • Camping (single) – CAD $1,261.00
  • Forest Glamping (shared) – CAD $1,341.00
Program is fully booked
Program is fully booked

A Myth for Our Time: Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Shamanism and the Era of the Taripaypacha


“Whatever knowledge the ancients may have possessed, now lost and now gained again in the successive worlds of human ascent toward the light, it may be that the particular nature of this knowledge is less important than the existence of the myth
itself.  The myth speaks to an archetype buried within us of some unbroken chain of transmissions energized by the love of kind… It is a story that beckons us back to ourselves, our present moment, and the realization that myth time is now.”
–William Sullivan, ‘The Secret of the Inkas’

This unique PMT wisdom-derived shamanic apprenticeship is about learning to learn and applying what has been learned in the manner of traditional kamasqa curanderismo tutelage. This requires sustained attention to detail, keen observation, and deep listening on the part of all participants. Friday evening involves visionary harmonization and group-focused soul activation aligned with the Taripaypacha prophecy; Saturday consists of spontaneous and randomly determined individual and group healing demonstrations and praxis; and Sunday focuses on the integration of teachings received, including a group ceremonial delivery of kamasqa into Pachamama’s luminous bio-etheric matrix (s’eqe body).

Nature venerating traditional shamanic societies considers it a great privilege to live during a particular historical moment where our human agency is called upon to improve conditions upon Mother Earth. For this reason, the most spiritually advanced of our original peoples sought natural habitats laden with soul-nurturing beauty and generative power to settle and evolve their cultural traditions, allowing them to successfully align community purpose with the existing transformational demands of their time.

The ever-expanding shamanic community that comprises Star River Sanctuary understands this privilege and is amply blessed with the human and natural resources capable of eliciting profound personal and planetary healing of service to the prophesied Taripaypacha. Destined as star-seeded shamanic initiates of the Great Work, who are daily graced by the medicine virtues of the majestic regional Kootenay Apukuna, participants in this nonpareil Pachakuti Mesa Tradition apprenticeship will receive profound self- transformational kamasqa curanderismo wisdom teachings and ritual healing practices supportive of our re-Membering as a united human family and cosmic culture upon beloved Gaia-Pachamama.

Deeply conscious of the cyclical necessity for periods of creation, destruction, and preservation within all scales of our Cosmic Mother’s dreaming ways, we must lovingly manifest our allotted time on earth as a seven-generation gift of healing light in the world. Inspired by the principle of Ayni or the practice of sacred reciprocity with All Our

Relations, we will expand our presence as visionary pioneers and soul-awakened catalysts of benevolent planetary evolution. This is The Medicine for our times, the divine driving force behind the unstoppable need for the Taripaypacha prophecy to

  • Receive time-proven tutelage from don Oscar Miro-Quesada on the magic, medicine, and mysticism comprising Peru’s kamasqa lineage of curanderismo.
  • Fully embrace your shamanic agency as a PMT practitioner to help catalyze the earthly manifestation of the prophesied Era of Taripaypacha as a seven- generation gift of loving service to All Our Relations.
  • Learn to gracefully navigate life’s wonderfully unpredictable nature by tapping into the healing potential behind the cyclical necessity of world reversals and cosmic transformations, known as a Pachakuti.
  • Refine your shamanic healing skills and enhance your earth restorative ritual prowess by participating in the evolutionary co-creation of a heartfelt sacred community blessed in medicine by the natural majesty of the Kootenay Apukuna, including time-venerated Apu Crystal Mountain.
  • Internalize the ceremonial beauty ways of don Oscar’s traditional Heart Island shamanic ancestors and personal mentors, don Celso Rojas Palomino from Salas, Chiclayo, and don Benito Qoriwaman Vargas from Wasao, Cusco.

What to bring:

  • A 24” x 24” square basic Pachakuti Mesa Tradition altar ground, including a favored shamanic artifact to energetically anchor the Northwest and Southeast medicine powers.
  • A not larger-than-fist-size stone relative you feel best embodies your experience of life’s sanctity–this will be an offering to the Star River Sanctuary’s apacheta.
  • A small staff, wand, or feather for use in clearing dense energy and raising subtle energy in oneself and others.
  • A printed image or photo of your principal shamanic animal ally/tutelary spirit.
  • One arte (ritual artifact) containing your shamanic soul’s most elevated energetic expression as a divinely incarnated presence on earth.
  • A journal and pen

Ayni exchange: $1161.00 CAD tuition & food + plus lodging

Lodging options and costs are additional to the price above:

  • Cozy Cabin Rooms (shared or private)  $90 – $180/night/person
  • Shared Main House Lodging ( shared no cat allergies) – $100/night/person
  • Forest Bell Tent Shared Lodging (shared or private) $75 – 150/night/person
  • Camping- $35/night/person


4-5:00pm: Arrival

6pm – 10:00pm Teachings opening the circle



8-8:30am Breakfast (only for residential participants)

9:30 am – 12:30

12:30-2:00pm Lunch

2:00pm – 5:00pm

5:00-7:00pm Dinner

7:00pm – 10:00pm



8-8:30am Breakfast (only for residential participants)

9:00 am – 1pm

About the Leaders

Oscar Miro-Quesada

A transpersonal psychologist, respected kamasqa curandero, altomisayoq adept, and earth-honoring ritualist from Peru, don Oscar Miro-Quesada Solevo is the visionary co-founder of The Heart Of The Healer (THOTH) Shamanic Mystery School, the originator of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition™ cross-cultural shamanism, author of Shamanism: Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation, and Lessons in Courage: Peruvian […]

Learn more about Oscar Miro-Quesada

Cindy Miro-Quesada

Cindy has been co-creating in-person and online shamanic courses, training series, and international gatherings with don Oscar since 2005. Over the years, they have designed and led many eco-spiritual journeys to Peru and Bolivia, providing participants with a loving and supportive container for the full awakening of their soul’s re-Membering. Cindy has served at the […]

Learn more about Cindy Miro-Quesada

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